San José Evergreen Community College District Citizens Bond Oversight Committee
Letter From the Committee Chair

With respect to Measure G-2010, the district completed the first major project under Measure G-2010, a new 1.4 megawatt solar panel system at Evergreen Valley College. This system will provide power for approximately 30% of annual campus needs.

The district issued the first two bond sales, Series A and Series B, under Measure G-2010 in the amount of seventy million dollars and twenty million dollars respectively. Series A will be used on "brick and mortar" projects while Series B funded an endowment for use on technology and small capital projects.

The Committee wishes to report that, to the best of its knowledge, the San José / Evergreen Community College District is in full compliance with the responsibilities as described in Article XIIIA, Section 1 (b)(3) of the California State Constitution, which address bonded indebtedness incurred by a community college district. We encourage the community to visit the Measure G web site for additional information about the projects and expenditures, as well as our planned meeting dates and times for the coming year.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathy Kyne, Chairperson

The San José / Evergreen Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee is submitting this annual report on the District's two general obligation bond programs to the residents, taxpayers, and voters of the San José / Evergreen Community College District for the fiscal year 2011-2012.

In 2004, San José / Evergreen Community College District passed a $185M general obligation bond initiative, Measure G-2004. In November of 2010, the District passed Measure G-2010, a $268M general obligation bond initiative. These bond measures have the common goal of improving and equipping the teaching environments to better serve our students' needs. The Committee and the District wish to thank the community for their continued support of our students.

The Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee (CBOC) has the responsibility of providing oversight on both Measures G-2004 and G-2010. The principal duties of the Committee are to ensure that the bond proceeds have been expended for the purposes set forth in the ballot language for each bond, report the progress annually to the public and provide a compliance statement. The San José / Evergreen Community College District's Board of Trustees is responsible for monitoring the project list, the priority of projects and approval of budgets/spending levels of individual projects.

The committee is reporting the progress made during this fiscal year on both bond programs. Measure G-2004 saw the completion of a new Multi-Disciplinary + Arts building at San José City College. This new facility will house a multi-disciplinary wing and the Music, Fine Art & Ceramics departments. Also included in the project will be an Art Gallery and offices with support facilities for faculty who will be in this facility.

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